Mozilla CPU usage

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jan 20 17:00:18 UTC 2011

On 01/20/2011 01:03 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> On 20/01/11 02:59, NoOp wrote:
>> On 01/19/2011 03:51 PM, MR ZenWiz wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Joep L. Blom<jlblom at>  wrote:
>>> :
>>>> That's the reason I switched to VMware PLayer. Much less use of resources: I
>>>> run a rather heavy Windows application (with lots of graphic and sound) and
>>>> it use less than 50 % CPU (4-core AMD Phenom II 4 GB mem). Moreover Ubuntu
>>>> (or better; Linux) does quite a good job of load balancing (try that on the
>>>> latest Windows!!).
>>> I couldn't get VMWare Player to work on Maverick, nor VMWare Server.
>>> That's why I threw in the towel and went with VB.
>> VMWare player works just fine for me on Lucid and Maverick. I've not
>> gotten it to work (yet) on Natty Alpha1 (Daily build as of 1/18/11)[1] -
>> whereas VirtualBox (4.0.2) appears to be working (I've yet to load any
>> VM in it at this point. Start a new thread&  perhaps we can help you
>> install; you can then decide which works best for you.
>> [1] it's being worked on:
> Gary,
> Glad to hear from you again but it wasn't me but MR ZenWiz who had the 
> problem with Vbox and who didn't succeed in running VMware. I use it 
> rather extensively and have no problems.

That's who I replied to... I just kept your quote in, see the
attributions :-) I've left in place so you can see -- I'll trim the next.

> I have given up on Vbox as they update every few months and sound is 
> still very bad (truthfully, I haven't checked the last 5 months).
> Related to that however, I try without success to contribute to the 
> vmware mailing list but until now I only get once a month a subscription 
> notice. I mail to:
>    vmware-users at but I never got any mails.
> Do you have a better mailing list?

Nope. They seem to like forums
( as opposed to mailing lists.
Only thing I could find on gmane is Also:
but all except the security annouce are pretty much dead.

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