a confusion regarding package updates

Alan Pope popey at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 19 14:33:18 UTC 2011

On 19 January 2011 14:21, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmmm, I remember a long time back some faulty way of upgrade by me
> had changed the sources.list file.

Yes. That happens a lot.

> That time I had not touched manually the sources.list file so is this
> same case when you
> do a apt-get dist-upgrade (i.e. the script changes the sources.list
> when a new release is available)
> or it will ask the user to proceed or not to and then upgrade only new
> packages (and not the OS itself).

I don't fully understand. But "apt-get dist-upgrade" will _not_ change
your sources.list at all.


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