create a boot-able disk from an iso file

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Tue Jan 11 22:29:06 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Joep L. Blom <jlblom at> wrote:
> On 11/01/11 22:33, MR ZenWiz wrote:
>> If you're running Windows, then yes, of course.  The virus doesn't
>> (necessarily) know or care what file system is underneath the files it
>> modifies.  If you're running in Windows and a virus goes after a file,
>> it will be modified (as long as the permissions so allow).  If it
>> happens to be a Linux executable, then chances are that the changes
>> will corrupt the file and it won't run (on Linux), but there are
>> UNIX/Linux viruses out there, too,  They're just considerably rarer
>> than Win viruses (millions).
> ZenWiz,
> Please, show me one!

I presume from your prior postings that you have heard of Google.
Last time I looked there were a whopping 42 viruses for UNIX/Linux
machines, but feel free to look and prove me wrong.  :-)

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