create a boot-able disk from an iso file

Bill Stanley bstanle at
Tue Jan 11 17:50:24 UTC 2011

> [pruned]
>> I know all this already... Luckily, I was able to download a version
>> of Win XP where the DRM stuff was disabled.
> I suspect that you *really* mean WPA and not DRM, right?

WS=> I think you mean WGA, Windows genuine advantage (a misnomer if 
there ever was one), to be a form of DRM.  Technically you are correct.

> (BTW, some Virtual Boxes and even Virtual Machines will not install the
> original XP but at the least only XP with Service Pack 2.)

WS=> This is a cracked version of Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 3)

 >> I have to observe the VM carefully since I know that is is a cracked
>> version.
> Oh boy, I think that you are playing with fire ol' boy.
> You don't seem to know the difference between VB and VM.

Your assumption would be wrong!  I do know the risks and I use the VM 
for experiments only.  Nothing important.  I also plan to tell the 
person who will use it of the risks associated with it.  I do not plan 
to use this VM (the cracked version of Win XP) for any networking.  In 
fact, I have disabled the network adapter of this VM.  It would be hard 
to use the network to get in or out.  Of course, the network functions 
of the Linux host are fully functional.  Yes this hobbles the VM but I 
am doing that because I know of the risks of allowing it to reach my 

> Do you mean VM as in what you stated in one of your first posts to mean
> *Virtual* *Box* (VB), which comes with Ubuntu and for which there is no
> need for a "crack", or VM as in IBM's VM or VMWare's VM cracked version
> which may be found if one looks?

VB means Virtual Box (it also could mean Visual Basic which is an 
abomination).  VirtualBox does not come installed with Ubuntu.  You have 
to download it from their repository as VirtualBox OSE.  I actually 
downloaded the most recent version by visiting the Virtual Box website.

> You sound like the posts from a person my wife came across a while back:
> that person quite openly posted in a public forum that she copies DVDs
> and sends them out to her friends so that they can discuss the fillums
> during their "fillum nights".
>> On the plus side, a lot of the MS bloat-ware has been removed and it
>> is ideal for use in a VM. (the footprint is very small) Updates are
>> out of the question, the MS firewall and virus checker ??? has been
>> also disabled.
> Oh boy, oh boy.....
> Sheesh.....You can disable both in a normal installation of Windows XP
> any way.....

I checked if they were only disabled, These functions were actually removed.

>> This makes it really dangerous as a stand alone OS but for a VM
>> (particularly for home use) it seems OK. Only time will tell.
> Hrumph.
> Good luck.
> (You're really kinda 'stumbling in the dark' about this whole thing
> aren't you? :-( )
Actually I'm not.  I am aware of the risks.

Bill Stanley

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