Network connection Problems

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at
Sun Jan 9 00:34:39 UTC 2011

MirJafar Ali wrote:

> Whenever I restart the computer, the Internet connection never comes
> up automatically. 

Has it always done this (i.e. since install), or only for some shorter
period of time? Is there anything that happened just before it started
doing this (software/hardware updgrades, perhaps)?

On boot, before making the network work again, could you open a
terminal and run
sudo ifconfig -a
and copy-and paste the output into, then paste the URL in
an email here?

If you could do the same with
sudo cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
that'd be handy, too, this one doesn't need to be run when the
network's not working.


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