Dual-core Atom Processors

Alan Pope popey at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 7 13:05:06 UTC 2011

On 7 January 2011 12:55, Greg Bair <gregbair.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone have any experiences with these processors?  More specifically
> the D510?  A friend and I are having a friendly bet on who can put
> together the best low-power Linux desktop sub-$300 (to be given to a
> local charity).

I've yet to see a dual core atom that Ubuntu didn't like.

> I found online a forum thread saying 9.10 and 10.04 kernels didn't
> support it.


> The small power consumption is very attractive.  And if I can use it, I
> found an Intel mobo + CPU combo on newegg for $80.

I would personally go for a ready built machine like this:-


..or cheaper options like the R3600, R3610. These are all dual core
Atom based with ION/ION2 based video cards. They make for pretty nice
little desktops. My mum uses one.


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