10.10 not recognizing dvd player

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Mon Jan 3 00:56:52 UTC 2011

On 03/01/2011 03:02, G. wrote:


> Holidays been in the way so been a while.
> Thanks for your replies.  Much appreciated.
> To clarify, I am using 10.10 not 11.
> When I insert DVD's, the DVD is mounted and I can read/play the DVD.
> I can not read the next DVD regardless of how I eject the first.  If I
> reboot, I can read/play another DVD.

What do yo use to play the DVD? vlc or xine or what?

Under System>Preferences>Preferred Applications>Multimedia what is set 
as your default player for the DVD?

I am using 10.10 and noticed that occasionally I can insert a DVD but it 
is not "recognised" in the sense that its icon does not appear on the 
screen; however, it will still play (I use either xine or vlc, depending 
on my mood although vlc is the "preferred application"). But this 
doesn't appear to happen with you because you say that you cannot even 
play the DVD.

Just to see what happens: when you finished with a DVD, go to Places and 
you will see that DVD listed there; click on the entry and nautilus will 
show its contents, and on the left hand side you will see the DVD shown 
with the Reject "button" - click on this "button" to eject the DVD, the 
entry for the DVD will disappear. Ejecting the DVD this way, does this 
solve your problem or there is no change?

Have you looked in the Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ - to see if 
someone else has had the same problem? (Launchpad is a good place to 
start finding answers.)


PS. Oh, just curious: what happens if you re-insert the DVD you just 
ejected, rather then using a new one, and tried to play it? I am just 
wondering if the system stilll thinks that the DVD has not been ejected 
and so will not accept a new one and the player is still running. You 
can always check to see if the player is running by using the 'ps aux' 
line command.

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