Changing time, Ubuntu 10.04 Live USB

Cassius V. de Magalhaes cassius at
Sun Feb 27 22:15:19 UTC 2011

Em 27/02/2011 18:19, Are Venes escreveu:
> Hi!
> I have searched the web and found similar problems like mine but can`t 
> seem to find any answer.
> How can I make my live-CD show the correct time? It currently 
> displays, hwclock +1 hour.
> Example:
> I run sudo hwclock , output -> 22.06
> I run date, output -> 23.06
> The date(time) is also what is shown in the upper right corner..
> I have tried to set the clock there via preferences and then choosing 
> "set system time" and it corrects
> the hwclock correctly, but once I restart the live-system we are back 
> with the differences.
> Does anyone know where the scripts or codelines that sets it back is 
> located?
> Suggestions for how I can avoid the problem, or solve it? Really needs 
> the clock to be
> set to the hwclock at boot time.
> Thanks for helping.
> Are


1) see man hwclock.

2) try to understand the difference between utc time and local time? 
What is presented to you and what the computer saves?

3) dpkg-reconfigure tzdata --> choose "Etc" --> then choose "UTC".


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