Beagle stopped working after update

rikona rikona at
Wed Feb 16 06:27:41 UTC 2011

Hello NoOp,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 3:39:29 PM, NoOp wrote:

N> On 02/15/2011 02:14 PM, rikona wrote:
>> Hello NoOp,
N> ...
>> Big question, though - does Beagle work on your comp? I'm trying to
>> see if it's just me, or it has failed with all updated 10.04 installs.
>> Thanks very much for the info.

N> I'll have to reboot a 10.04 machine to test - most all (except for
N> two test machines) have 10.10 and 11.04 on them. Currently testing
N> SeaMonkey 2.1.b2 in 10.10 on the machine that has 10.04 on it, so
N> it will be awhile. 

I'll try my best to be patient. :-)) [He says, grumbling about having
to go back to Win to get work done.] In the meantime, I'll start a new
thread to see if it is me or a general failure.




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