Being nice for a change

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Tue Feb 8 14:33:08 UTC 2011

On 02/08/2011 08:04 AM, devicerandom wrote:

>>> Encouraging people to read documentation *is* the way to enrich the
>>> knowledge of the community.
>> depending on the *way* you encourage people to do that...
> You haven't RTFM on RTFM yourself, did you? :)

Er. It is highly probable that Ogra (and certainly myself) know
about it (and I probably knew about it before you were born). So no
need for a gratuitous dig.

Ogra's point is one of being nice for a change. It _is_ possible.
People do not die, or


> You shouldn't be offended by this; by hacker standards, your
> respondent is showing you a rough kind of respect simply by not
> ignoring you. You should instead be thankful for this grandmotherly
> kindness."

The difference (between the hacker standards and us) is the CoC [1].
There are _many_ different ways of telling somebody something. But
saying 'RTFM', or other responses common in this list, is really not
cool, nor following the CoC. You _can_ be a hacker while being nice.

> That said, I usually point the ESR document than simply RTFM/STFW
> people, but that's because I am especially patient. :)

Perhaps I am more patient that you, I try to explain and give an
initial link(s). Pointing to ESR's page is always good, though --
but not because of the 'RTFM' definition.


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