Autorun is VERY bad

devicerandom devicerandom at
Mon Feb 7 21:40:39 UTC 2011

On 07/02/11 20:46, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 7 February 2011 20:03, MR ZenWiz<mrzenwiz at>  wrote:
>> Some people just love to cross-post novice questions to multiple
>> different email lists.  I know - I used to do that, many years ago.
>> This kellyremo person is the second or third one on this list, and no,
>> I don't appreciate that kind of waste of my time.
> Feel free not to reply, or to take your support elsewhere. Barking
> RTFM at people isn't helpful, isn't friendly and isn't welcome on this
> list.

No, it *is* helpful, because it gives the person two really essential 
- The answer you look for is probably in the "manual" 
- Not doing your homework is highly frowned upon

>> To me, the FIRST place to look for an answer to a question like this
>> IS in the manual, and something this basic does not require input from
>> a list of experts.
> This is the Ubuntu Users mailing list, it's for users to post support
> questions, at any level. If you deem a question somehow beneath you
> then the most respectful thing to do is not answer.

Posting well-made support questions is welcome. Posting support question 
which show you haven't made a basic level of your own homework only 
wastes everyone's time and email space, and is therefore *not* welcome.


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