Keeping focused to the same window no matter what happens

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Wed Dec 28 01:28:11 UTC 2011

On Tue, 27 Dec 2011 18:01:52 +0000
Avi Greenbury <lists at> wrote:

> Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> > Well, no unity so far; still on Ubuntu 10.10. Won't leave it until I
> > have to or really really need to. Hopefully Unity is OK by then, it
> > definitely isn't at the moment (I run Ubuntu 11.10 on an Eee PC 900
> > in 3D mode). Unless they make the upper panel auto-hideable I will
> > will probably switch to something Unity-free, like Mint or
> > something. Maybe Arch would be nice challenge…
> > 
> I know we've had plenty of these already, but why not just install
> somthing other than Unity on a Ubuntu? Saves a good deal of time over
> a reinstall (and potentially learning a new package manager).
Or just go to the source:

It is dead easy these days, especially if you already have a
background in Ubuntu.  It is Ubuntu's pappy.

Oh, and either XFCE4 or LXDE.

Cybe R. Wizard
Strength through Unity.
Unity through faith.
	Adam Sutler

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