Newbie query: Ubuntu vs openSUSE

Craig White craigwhite at
Sat Dec 24 09:39:18 UTC 2011

On Sat, 2011-12-24 at 08:50 +0000, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:

> I do agree with your point entirely. I just feel that being unnecessarily unkind creates a sense of hostility for this list which it shouldn't. This list and many others provide a fabulous service to new users and it's better to point out to people that disregard the etiquette of the list that it's not acceptable rather than publicly flame them. Unfortunately its inevitable that a certain amount of stupidity will show itself but then it's best to educate them.
> You will have read that I made it quite to the OP earlier in the thread that he should go and read up on a topic before posting. If he chooses not to try and learn for himself then that's his problem. I have no intention of wasting my time in that case, so I do agree with you there.
Perhaps I should make something clear...

Having experienced the identical thread on fedora-list that is
undoubtedly approaching 100 e-mails, I wake up to find a virtually
identical thread started on ubuntu-users. This despite the fact that he
disdained Ubuntu to the fedora-list just days before. This thread
included an excessively pedantic exchange regarding his lack of efforts
to do his own research, using multiple identities and just generally
lacking any purpose other than creating controversy.

W/R/T your reply (and some others) - yes, those were typical of the
initial replies on the Fedora list - do you own research.

W/R/T replies such as the several incredibly wordy, historically
accurate (but worthless), comparatively inaccurate (lacks knowledge of
current versions of alternative distributions) by Liam... that is
precisely why I found his trolling to be unacceptable. He is getting
people to waste their time.

Rather than further the OP's intent to create controversy, I would
suggest that you simply let it drop and let the thread die.


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