Open Office and / or Libre Office

Avi Greenbury lists at
Sun Dec 11 15:24:20 UTC 2011

LinuxIsOne wrote:
> If I do like this, as you say like first 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.04 ->
> 11.10, if I go like this, please suggest me the following queries in
> this regard:-
> 1. Some applications which are default of 10.04 and not in other
> higher versions, would they (all or one) get uninstalled or would
> remain there..., like what would happen of OO?

Generally, applications are not uninstalled for you between upgrades.
There is, to my knowledge, one exception - is replaced
with LibreOffice because, at the time of the upgrade, the change was
in name only.

> 2. Is it recommended that I do this or not, means I should do this or
> not...? Since Unity would come ....or something like my present gnome
> would be wiped out...?

It depends what you want. If you do not want to lose Gnome 2 (the
default on Ubuntu prior to 10.10) then don't upgrade beyond 10.10 (it's
an option in 10.10). But, at some point, you will end up without Gnome
2, and either be using plain Gnome 3 (which is not at all like Gnome 2)
or Unity (which is also quite different, though arguably less so).

> 3. I cannot upgrade from LTS to LTS?

Yes, this is supported, too; the next LTS is 12.04, due in April and,
from all accounts, is shaping up rather nicely.

The supported paths are:

LTS -> next LTS
LTS -> next normal release
Normal release -> next normal release

So if you do upgrade to the next normal release, you wont then be able
to go straight to 12.04 when it is released. Personally, I'd stick with
where you are at the moment and either:

1) Remove and use the LibreOffice you downloaded
2) Remove the LibreOffice you downloaded and use the older
3) Remove both of them and install via PPA.

Which one is most appropriate dpends upon what your priorities are - #1
gets you the most straightforward upgrades, #2 next most
straightforward, and #3 the least straightforward (but still not
especially complex).

In contrast, #3 gets you the newest LibreOffice, #2 the next newest,
and #1 a relatively old

As for the effort involved in getting to that state, #1 is easiest
(simpy remove the package), #2 next so, and #3 the most
complex. But, again, not so difficult. You could use it as CLI
practice :)


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