Sync services - Wuala vs Tonido

Patton Echols p.echols at
Sat Dec 10 19:46:10 UTC 2011

On 12/04/2011 02:20 AM, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Patton Echols<p.echols at>  wrote:
>> I am looking for a sync / offsite storage solution and have narrowed it down
>> to waula and tonido.  Since my thinking is kind of long, I'll mention the
>> questions first, and my thinking second.
>> Q 1. Does anyone have practical experience / comments about either?
>> Q 2. If you like tonido, have you installed it on a headless ubuntu server?
>>   The documents I've found on their site make it appear that a gui is needed
>> for configuration.
>> Q 3. Are their other alternatives I may have overlooked?
>> My thinking.  Dropbox is an obvious choice.  In fact, I found both of the
>> above by searching for "dropbox alternatives".  Given the security problems
>> that Dropbox has had, I'm not interested.  Especiallty true since I'll have
>> business data on the service.
> Check SpiderOak. I've been happy with its approach. And they, although
> closed source, come from a FOSS background and release various
> components in the wild.
> Liviu
  Thanks Liviu,

Sorry I missed your reply.  So many messages to the list.

One of the articles I read said that spideroak is less than 
straightforward to set up.  Do you find that to be true?  Also, what of 
their security model?  In my case, an accident like Dropbox had 
(Customer 1 being able to read Customer 2's files) could be devastating 
to the Customers and cost me my job.  Not a risk I am willing to take.

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