Xournal: how to use for an existing pdf?

LinuxIsOne reallife at hmamail.com
Wed Dec 7 01:18:53 UTC 2011

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com> wrote:

> The entire idea of a pdf file to is maintain the integrity of it, otherwise
> you could take someone else's work, make some edits and claim it as your
> own. If ~you~ composed a document for conversion to pdf, then you can likely
> edit the source document and convert again to pdf, because you created it.

It is not always the case, since truncating some parts of the required
pdf files also required.

> I keep ALL of my source documents in a directory so I can
> safely edit them again, to convert to pdf files. But, I own them.

You don't own them!

> Evidentially, you don't. :) Ric

I own them and you are telling lie!

Now what? Anyone can say like this.!

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