Transparent windows: how to get rid of it?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Dec 3 10:10:39 UTC 2011

On 3 December 2011 10:05, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> On 3 December 2011 09:59, Freddy Van Ingelgom <freddyek at> wrote:
>> I think that my question is confusing the way I posed here. In fact I should
>> not speak about a window, but I do not know how to name it: sometimes it
>> appears on the screen as a sort of indication were to put a existing window,
>> a sort of placeholder or how should I name it? It is a sort of transparent
>> rectangular that appears on top of my desktop and it does not affect the way
>> I worked, it is there, I can see and continue my current work, and the only
>> way to get rid of it is to resize a window, place it on this transparent and
>> then the window takes the size of that transparent which disappear and after
>> that I can return to the size that i like for my current work (Firefox for
>> example, or whatever).
> Very strange.  Are you able to get a screen capture with it visible?

I found this on launchpad, but it I don't think it is the same problem is it?


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