Worried when 10.04lts goes end of life

LinuxIsOne linuxisone at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 05:03:56 UTC 2011

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:07 PM, A. Kromic <akromic at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 27/11/11 09:53, Alex Cockell wrote:

> Hi all.

> I'm worried now. In order to sidestep Windows Vista, I have bought both my
> Thinkpad R61i and Ideapad S12 preinstalled with Ubuntu from Linux Emporium.
> i have therefore never installed Linux myself, only accepted updates and LTS
> upgrades as required. i now hear that the user environment has completely
> changed, and I risk having my machines bricked when 12.04.1 comes around...

Hello Alex,

I am a casual home user and what Kromic has told is reality. Ubuntu
LTS is one of the best distributions which is easiest for home users
and still doing all the things, it is your wish either to upgrade in
2012 or 2013 but you the feel of 12.04 Ubuntu LTS would also be the
same as it is for 10.04 except for a few changes, which is intended
for any up gradation, if any bugs are there would get fixed.

So you should not worry about that.

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