error on burning cd via brasero

Ernest Doub hideserted at
Tue Aug 30 17:26:14 UTC 2011

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 7:42 AM, roberto <roberto03 at> wrote:

> Hello, i received the folowing error while burning a CD image:
> BraseroLibburn SCSI error condition on command 2Ah WRITE(10): [3 0C
> 00] Write error
> BraseroLibburn Closing
> BraseroLibburn called brasero_job_set_dangerous
> BraseroLibburn called brasero_job_set_current_action
> BraseroLibburn Libburn reported an error SCSI error on
> write(16976,16): [3 0C 00] Write error
> BraseroLibburn called brasero_job_error
> BraseroLibburn finished with an error
> BraseroLibburn asked to stop because of an error
>        error           = 1
>        message = "SCSI error on write(16976,16): [3 0C 00] Write error"
> BraseroLibburn stopping
> Session error : SCSI error on write(16976,16): [3 0C 00] Write error
> (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2862)
> i could not do anything after that, the operation failed ...
> do you have any ideas ?
> thank you !
> --
> roberto
> --

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If it was me I would delete the image file and start over after recording
the error information.
If I still had a problem then I would start digging, if not then chalk it up
as an unrepeatable error.
I see from the log that it is putting up a scsi error.  Are you positive
that your drive is being properly recognized?

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which
is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth
forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth
speaketh” (Luke 6:45).
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