Thunderbird icon in Unity launcher

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Tue Aug 30 17:03:54 UTC 2011

On 08/30/2011 11:35 AM, NoOp wrote:
> On 08/30/2011 07:20 AM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> I am running a fully updated Natty on my laptop. I downloaded and
>> extracted a thunderbird file to the Apps directory in my home folder.
>> I followed the directions in the third answer at [1] to put it on the
>> Launcher and change the icon to a default Thunderbird icon.
>> [1]
>> It starts Thunderbird but the Thunderbird icon does not show on the
>> Launcher.  Its icon always ends up looking like the icon for the
>> Workplace Switcher. Changing the icon in preferences does not work either.
>> The proper icon shows in preferences and in the file manager but not on
>> the Launcher.  When Thunderbird is running the icon in the upper left
>> corner also looks like the Workplace Switcher icon.
>> Does anyone know how to make the Thunderbird icon "stick" on the Launcher?
> I run SeaMonkey from a home folder; I followed the instructions on
> answer 33 in that thread, the one that starts with:
> "This is a method without editing config files and without root privileges.
> First create the Launcher on the Desktop (only temporary)"

That is the one I followed also.

> Note: when creating the launcher, the proper icons for Thunderbird&
> SeaMonkey are in:
> /thunderbird/chrome/icons/default (default256.png is the best for me)
> /seamonkey/chrome/icons/default (seamonkey.png)
> respectively.

Those are the ones I used and I tried them all thinking maybe the 
resolution had something to do with it.

Just curious, but does Seamonkey show up as an app in Unity?  If I do a 
search from the Dash for thunderbird all I get is the .tar file I 
downloaded.  If I scroll through the list of apps it doesn't show there 

Regards,  Jim

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