Trying to Load Ubuntu 11.04 onto HP Laptop. Failed at reboot

Goh Lip g.lip at
Tue Aug 30 13:05:36 UTC 2011

On 30/08/11 20:30, Peter Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Hi Peter Again
> Over the last few days I have tried most of the things that have been
> suggested.
> Even tried loading a Mint version. Total Fail did not install.
> Coming back from that I retried the Ubuntu 11.04 CD and this did not get to
> load the Live CD.
> So grabbed the USB but this still had the 10.04 version, so reformatted with
> 11.04 and rebooted from the USB. Installed the system totally vanilla. Did
> not even have the net connected (I had tried this before with no luck)
> Left the USB in the machine on reboot. Boot sequence is CD HDD USB.
> System booted but complained about
> "out of disk"
> "No video available"    Or something to this effect
> 				And a couple of other complaints.
> I could not catch them as they disappeared quickly and then it booted in
> Ubuntu.
> I do not know what I did that was different. But I did run the Boot info
> script and loaded it the paste Bin  @
> Does this look like it should? Bear in mind that the USB stick is still in
> the machine.
> Assuming that this keeps working (time will tell)
> Many thanks to all that have participated. I would have given up long ago.
> Will advise on progress!!
> Thanks again
> Peter
Peter, if you still have problems, at grub menu, press 'e' at the first 
entry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic' and use arrow to go to line 
below and change

linux	/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic 
root=UUID=908ae871-7f17-4ec6-bb87-bd835260e227 ro   quiet splash 

linux	/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic 
root=UUID=908ae871-7f17-4ec6-bb87-bd835260e227 ro   nomodest

then, press 'alt' and 'x'

Let us know how this goes.

Regards, good luck - Goh Lip

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