<OT> ubuntu bad press

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Tue Aug 30 04:22:35 UTC 2011

On 30/08/11 11:51, Jared Norris wrote:
> I hate to be the one to point out the obvious but hasn't this
> conversation gone far enough past the "ubuntu-users

Jared, thank you for your gracious message. I don't think I have in the 
past apologized for my OT posts and you may be the first.

I understand the intent of your message and while I feel that readers 
may be sufficiently capable of skipping even technical posts that they 
have no interest, not to mention OT posts that they dislike, your 
consideration for other people is noted and for that I apologize.

Take care and thanks - Goh Lip

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