Re: Places → Recent documents

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Mon Aug 29 18:08:04 UTC 2011

2011/8/29 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>:
> I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 on one of my computers (my main
> computer still has Ubuntu 10.10) and I just have one maybe stupid
> question: I can't find ”Recent documents” in the Places menu. Is it
> removed or just moved somewhere, and in that case where? I usually
> don't need it very much, EXCEPT when I use that computer, so it's kind
> of funny that way…

Found them (in the launcher), sorry.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> Kind regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
> ジョニー・ローゼンバーグ

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