Configure fifth level keyboard layout without touching third and forth levels

Séamas Ó Brógáin sob at
Sun Aug 28 20:26:35 UTC 2011


If I understand your question correctly, you would use "VoidSymbol" to
generate no character and therefore to separate your other levels. 
For example, you might have

key <AE08> { [ A, VoidSymbol, B ], [ C, VoidSymbol, D ] };

where the result would be:

normal:                            A
level 2 ("shift"):                 [nothing]
level 3:                           B

group 2, level 1 ("alt"):          C
group 2, level 2 ("shift alt"):    [nothing]
group 2, level 3:                  D

Or perhaps I'm answering the wrong question!

Séamas Ó Brógáin

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