Time format
Johnny Rosenberg
gurus.knugum at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 17:02:43 UTC 2011
2011/8/23 Basil Chupin <blchupin at iinet.net.au>:
> On 23/08/11 17:18, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 23 August 2011 02:14,<molaxp at aol.com> wrote:
>>> Time and Date Settings work in most fields. But the settings take no
>>> effect
>>> when set to AM/PM. It worked whe I first installed the OS. The software
>>> has
>>> been updated several times from that point to now.
>> This has all got a bit confusing. I think it would be a good idea if
>> you described *exactly* what you do and what does and does not happen.
>> Do not just say things like time and date settings work in most
>> fields, as we may not know exactly which app you are using. So
>> describe what you do to get the settings up, what you change, and what
>> result you see, and where the result is seen (in the time display in
>> top panel for example).
>> Though why anyone would want am/pm format time is a wonder to me.
>> Colin
> Colin, old boy, I admire your stamina and persistence - but I am afraid that
> you have created the confusing situation for yourself :-) .
> Read back over the thread and you will find that you replied to Roberto, and
> not to something which "molax" wrote.
> And then the usual, and ever alert, "net police" joined in with the "No top
> posting, thanks" and "Use snips, thanks"...and the whole thing went off the
> rails :-D .
> And you ask a very relevant question: why anyone wants to use the 12-hour
> clock format is well beyond me :-( .
Me too, but since some people want it, they should be able to get it, right?
I don't even understand why there is no English word for a 24 hours
period (”dygn” in Swedish, for example).
But back to the subject…
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
> BC
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