how can i lock wireless to a given access point?

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Thu Aug 18 02:28:08 UTC 2011

On 08/17/2011 07:06 PM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   hoping i'm not about to embarrass myself but i'm at a hotel where
> they have two available wireless access points with ***exactly*** the
> same name -- "Quality Hotel Downtown" -- and the wireless on my ubuntu
> 11.04 system is constantly going up and down as the network manager
> flips back and forth between the two.
>   the main difference between the two is that one has a WPA/WPA2
> password that i was given at the desk, while the other has a WEP key
> that i *don't* know.  and on a constant basis, wireless drops the
> correct access point and connects to the other one, which kills my
> wireless.  argh.
>   what's the correct solution to this?  naturally, i'd like to simply
> disqualify the wrong access point from being selected, or something to
> that effect.

Lock it to the bssid, the wireless mac address.  if I remember right
iwconfig should give it to you and so should network manager.  If
iwconfig doesn't then you can run iwevent and it will give it to you as
it will print it out when it connects.

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