Test msg!

Steven Susbauer steven at too1337.com
Tue Aug 9 19:31:52 UTC 2011

On Aug 9, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Larry Shields wrote:
> The problem has been this, I am not using my ISP Charter.net, I am using someone else's ISP, so when I try to get my email from Charter, that works fine, it is when I try to send email to charter it does not work anymore like it did before...This is the whole problem...This persons isp is CenturyLink a dialup, but that should not be the problem, what I have now been told by a fellow on the list here is, that charter will not let another isp send my mail to charter, you have to be directly connected to charter for it too work...
> Larry

Like most ISPs, CenturyLink filters outgoing port 25, Charter hosts their internal email server (smtp.charter.net) on port 25. If you haven't modified anything, than this is not going to work both because of the CenturyLink block and Charter not listening for external activity on that port.

If you want to connect from outside you should try the "Mobile Email Settings" from the link below. Charter provides mobile.charter.net on port 587 for "smartphone" users, but it should work just fine for any other user because it's obviously not filtered based on ISP. You will have to use your Charter authentication details to use it. CenturyLink doesn't filter port 587.

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