Test msg!

Larry larryesu at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 19:33:58 UTC 2011

On 08/08/2011 01:37 PM, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
> Larry wrote:
>> On 08/08/2011 08:38 AM, Alan Pope wrote:
>>> On 8 August 2011 14:30, Larry<larryesu at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> *My Email seems to be not getting through, so this is a test msg 
>>>> again...*
>>> You use gmail. It doesn't show your sent mail until someone replies to
>>> it. It's always done this.
>>> Al.
>> *Ok Al, I did not know that, since I had been using Charter.net, and 
>> now Charter will not let me send email using another ISP, something 
>> new to make things worst...Might you know of another email client 
>> that is better...???
>> Thanks Larry
>> *
>     You can always use Thunderbird. Setup GMail (or any other 
> account), but use the Charter SMTP server for sending.
>     My employer does the same sort of thing; for security /spam 
> prevention reasons. They only allow their SMTP server be used on their 
> network. So this message I'm sending, while it's from my personal 
> email, is being sent via work's SMTP server.
*This has been the problem, I can not now send any email using TB via 
Charter, for it will not work, so in thinking that maybe GMAIL or KMAIL 
would be better, I have tried it, but I am not seeing any of my postings 
like I used too...

I see what you are saying, you sent this email using your SMTP server, 
which is Charter, but like I said Charter will not let me send any email 
via another ISP...

The one reason I can not use Charter, is because I am using someone 
elses ISP, but if they had charter I then would not have any problems...

Thanks for the reply - - Larry

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