Modified Ubuntu server (10.04) image with iso-scan/filename (casper)?

Tom H tomh0665 at
Fri Aug 5 15:07:56 UTC 2011

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 9:40 PM, Oliver Schneider <Borbarad at> wrote:
> as I see it, the initrd on the installation ISO of the server version
> (10.04.3 x64) does not include casper and the feature that allows to
> find the media with the ISO file from which I want to boot. The media is
> a flash drive with grub2, in case that matters.
> Does anyone know a simple method to embed just the feature that scans
> for the media into the initrd? I found some bits and pieces after
> installing casper onto a previously installed Ubuntu.
> I unpacked it and found a script named /init ... can I go ahead and
> modify that, or is there a less invasive way to change the behavior of
> the initialization code?

I don't really understand what you mean by "find the media with the
ISO file from which I want to boot" but, if enabling hardware
autoconfiguration by editing "/init" works for you, why not?

A canonical, standard way might be to create a Server Live CD.

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