Modified Ubuntu server (10.04) image with iso-scan/filename (casper)?

Oliver Schneider Borbarad at
Fri Aug 5 01:40:31 UTC 2011


as I see it, the initrd on the installation ISO of the server version
(10.04.3 x64) does not include casper and the feature that allows to
find the media with the ISO file from which I want to boot. The media is
a flash drive with grub2, in case that matters.

Does anyone know a simple method to embed just the feature that scans
for the media into the initrd? I found some bits and pieces after
installing casper onto a previously installed Ubuntu.

I unpacked it and found a script named /init ... can I go ahead and
modify that, or is there a less invasive way to change the behavior of
the initialization code?

Thanks in advance,

// Oliver

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