chmod not changing permission

Avi Greenbury lists at
Tue Aug 2 07:05:49 UTC 2011

Ashley Benton wrote:

> I'm trying to change my xorg.conf file because my video card died and 
> I have
> no Guy anymore. It appears that I cannot start the computer except if 
> I am a
> root user,

Starting the computer happens before you can log in as any user. Does 
it ask
for a root password on boot, offering the choice of carrying on the 
boot by
hitting ctrl-D? If so, there's something broken at a lower level than 

> may be something else is messed up too, I'm not sure at that
> point. I tried to replace xorg.conf by xorg.conf.failsafe but it 
> doesn't
> matter if I sudo or not, the file is not changing. I tried to allow 
> write
> but when I check the permission doesn't change. Any idea how I could
> overwrite this file?

What're the precise commands you are running, what output do you get in
response, and which user are you logged in as?


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