Unity breaks basic UI principles

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Fri Apr 29 22:21:43 UTC 2011

On 29 April 2011 22:48, PleegWat <pleegwat at telfort.nl> wrote:
> The most important aspect (which icons are on the side bar) is already
> configurable. However, I'd like to be able to configure the following, and
> haven't found any of them yet:
> * The side of the screen it's on. It's on the left side of the primary
> monitor, which plain doesn't work if you've got a second monitor on the
> left-hand side of the primary

That's not an option in 11.04.

> * Autohide. I've got enough screen real estate (1080x3200 on 2 screens). I'd
> much rather have the sidebar on 'always visible'.

Install compizconfig-settings-manager (ccsm).
In ccsm go to Unity (or ALT+F2, and type about:config then press enter)
Under "Hide Launcher" choose "never"

> * Let me pick what to show in the main (ubuntu logo/windows button) menu. Of
> the 8 icons there, 4 are not important enough to me to get such a prominent
> position, and some others would likely also get demoted. Additionally, allow
> me to reduce the icon size - there's room for way more in there than is on
> it currently.

That's called the dash.

At the moment they are hard coded to use your default browser, mail client etc.

> * 'Apps available for download'. If I'm using the search feature to find an
> application, I can see this having a use, but if I want to start an
> application I know I've already got installed I'd much rather have more
> entries on 'most frequently used', have 'all apps' expanded by default, and
> hide 'available for download' altogether.

I don't think that's possible yet.


Is the best start I reckon.

Along with http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity?sort=faq


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