Natty heats up Sony Vaio Laptop

Shaun Jones mister.s.jones at
Thu Apr 28 18:03:38 UTC 2011

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Samuel <samuel.derous at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've read there are some serious power regression problems in the Linux
> kernel
> from 2.6.38, which seems to use from 10% to 30% more energy...
> Sinds I upgrade my kernel I have heard my fans doing a lot more work than
> usual. I don't know that's the problem, though.
> Op donderdag 28 april 2011 17:17:26 schreef Chhatoi Pritam Baral:
> > I am not sure as to what causes this, but whenever I log into natty, my
> > mobo temp shoots above 65. Sometimes it goes above 70-75 too. The fan is
> > controlled directly by the BIOS. I have  that had no luck in directly
> > controlling the fan through the OS ( even in Maverick, Lucid, or
> Windows).
> > So, I guess its some system process that keeps the processors super busy,
> > or perhaps a power management leak.
> >
> > Could it be 'cause of the GPU drivers? Mine are ATI fglrx from the repos.
> >
> > Does anyone have any insight on this.
> >
> >

  If you are using a laptop it is not recommended to upgrade to Natty due to
the kernel power consumption issues. This is what is gonna happen high temps
and fans spinning like mad. I would drop back to maverick. I personally am
gonna wait til the kernel gets fixed or I can patch it myself. A quick
google search will give you tons of info on the problem with this kernel,
good luck.
Mister Jones
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