First impressions of 11.04

Fred A. Miller fmiller at
Mon Apr 18 06:26:13 UTC 2011

I have to give credit where credit is due. I took a Dell 64-bit laptop
and did a Net. upgrade from the current Ubuntu with Gnome to 11.4. It
went flawlessly when it rebooted, including keeping VLC and other
software I had installed. I was concerned that Turboprint, which is a
commercial application - one which I don't care to do without because of
it's many functions that NO OTHER output to printer supports, mostly
with Gimp - was going to not only still be on the system but function is and does. Another, Bibble 5, also is still installed
and functions fine. Even the extra screen savers I had installed are
still available and work.

Getting used to Unity will take some time, but I think I can handle it.
One thing I REALLY think is important and isn't an option or not one I
can find, is to hid the top bar. I like to use all of the realestate I
can get.....more important on my desktop when working on large images in
Gimp. I also noted that 11.4 takes a lot longer to come up than current
Ubuntu. That's all for now......time for bed.


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