Oh, please, please, COME ON Ubuntu development people!

Dennis Lewis dlewis5334 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 16 21:24:46 UTC 2011

I’m working with a Dell Latitude D610 laptop. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on this 
computer. Everything seems to work ok except my wireless, I went through a lot 
of troubleshooting issues and can`t enable wireless. I get a message that says 
“Quote" dhcpcd wireless problems. dhcpcd wlan0 removes essid entry in iwconfig. 
Any suggestions? www.http://lewis4884.web.officelive.com

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From: Mike McGinn <mikemcginn at mcginnweb.net>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" 
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Sat, April 16, 2011 8:28:31 AM
Subject: Re: Oh, please, please, COME ON Ubuntu development people!

On Saturday, April 16, 2011 11:07:59 Gilles Gravier wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm an old fart. Heck, I was born before FTP even existed! I was online
> when the first commercial (i.e. not research/edu/darpa) internet
> operators were set up. When I started using internet, you didn't pay for
> it. You provided part of the infrastructure and that was your share of
> keeping the thing running... then people started to pay to get internet
> for their businesses. When I was in my 2nd job, I had to actually port
> PGP to my company MIPS RC-3230 system in order to encrypt an e-mail that
> was to be, then, sent by UUCP in order to order a geek T-shirt from Adam
> Black in the UK. I was in my 3rd job when Mosaic (the first internet
> browser) was announced. And I was wrong in thinking Java would get
> nowhere back in 1994 when it was still called Oak.
> > How many young people have been converted to using Linux - but let's
> > say, Ubuntu?
> I was. I was a Windows user. Then my Windows machine broke. I was told
> "try Linux". I was already hooked on NetBSD for my server (which has
> been online in one shape or another - now running Ubuntu 10.10 - since
> 1998). I had been using Yggdrasil (anybody on this list still remember
> that Linux), Mandrake (now called Mandriva), and had looked at Debian. I
> installed Ubuntu 6.04 (that tells you the year) and I was converted. I
> was already a 30+ year old fart, granted...
> Gilles

I remember reading the series of articles about porting BSD to the 386 which 
appeared in Dr. Dobbs Journal in 1990 or so. The series was by William and 
Lynne Jolitz and was a fascinating read. I was writing test software for 
LeCroy at the time, software to test the front end electronics that hung at 
the end of a particle beam, usually 96 input channels. It could be a lot of 
data in memory at times. I was very interested in anything that could get me 
away from the DOS 64K segment limit.

Mike McGinn        FACOCM
You won't look forward to the trip!
No electrons were harmed in sending this message.
** Registered Linux User 377849

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