taking lvm backup

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 09:40:05 UTC 2010

I was able to take back up but I have doubt of this method of taking backup.

Here are the steps I mention and doubts are at the end.

To take backup with rsync
created a 1 GB LVM

lvcreate -L 1G -s -n lvbackup  /dev/nintendo/lvm2
kpartx -av /dev/nintendo/lvbackup  <----(Not sure of this line)
vgchange -ay lvm2  <--- (The lvbackup created a different volume group
lvm2 and there was one more named nintendo)
mount /dev/lvm2/ /mnt/
rsync -avz -e ssh root at /media/Vignettes/lvm2-root/
<---(since the lvm2 LVM is on 17)

umount /mnt
vgchange -an lvm2  (lvm2 was one group created )

kpartx -d /dev/nintendo/lvbackup   (-d is to delete)

 lvremove /dev/nintendo/lvbackup

The problem is I am having complete directory structure which was
mounted on snapshot lvm
but If I were to boot a virtual machine out of it how will that be done?

I am using kvm.
Is it possible to use this directory structure to boot the guest OS
which I have backed up with this method?

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