ubuntu 10.10 gnome-terminal response a bit slow than before

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Tue Sep 28 20:27:32 UTC 2010

Hello NoOp,

Monday, September 27, 2010, 7:46:41 PM, NoOp wrote:

N> On 09/27/2010 07:22 PM, rikona wrote:
>> Hello NoOp,
>> Monday, September 27, 2010, 9:03:58 AM, NoOp wrote:
>> N> Open up another terminal and run 'top';
>> I like htop.

N> htop has the disadvantage of when you press quit (q) the data
N> disappears from the terminal. Hence you can't do a cut & paste to
N> this for troubleshooting etc. top on the other hand allows me to do
N> this

True. They both have their uses. I usually just want a quick visual
'snoop' with no copy.   



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