Installing Ubuntu on a machine with Windows on it - dual boot?

Alan Pope alan at
Tue Sep 28 12:04:19 UTC 2010

On 28 September 2010 12:36, Chris G <cl at> wrote:
> However I'm thinking a really real Windows XP would sometimes be
> useful.  I'm about to put Xubuntu on a new netbook (Acer) which has XP
> Home on it at the moment.  When I install Xubuntu will I be offerered
> the option of shrinking the XP partition and installing Xubuntu
> alongside it or do I have to do something special to get this to
> happen?

That's actually the default. It will offer to split the disk up and
give you a slider to choose how much of of the windows partition to
steal for Xubuntu.


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