WTF?! NO floppy in Lucid or in Meerkat! -- PROGRESS REPORT

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Mon Sep 27 10:11:15 UTC 2010

On 27/09/2010 16:55, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 27 September 2010 07:44, Basil Chupin<blchupin at>  wrote:
>> As soon as I plugin an HD[1] in the system......every one of the above
>> freeze during the initial stages of actually running (ie, they will boot
>> but will freeze up before one reaches anywhere close to the login menu).
Thanks, Alan, for the response.

> Sounds like the IDE cable to the hard disk caddy is upside down,

Hasn't been so for quite some time.....Hasn't been touched for quite 
some time to have this occur.

>   or
> the caddy receptacle is damaged in some way.

A possibility of course.

>   Or perhaps the PSU can't
> deliver the load required to run all the hardware, and the hard disk
> tips it over the edge - current-wise.

Another possibility although the voltages are according to the specs for 
this Antec TruePower 550W PSU (checked using a multi-meter as per the 
Antec manual) . Nevertheless....

> Seems you've ruled out the disks themselves, and the RAM and
> motherboard/CPU seem fine if you can boot from USB with no hard disks
> attached. So I'd start looking at the interconnects which only affect
> the hard disks.

Well, the CPU is not acting as I expected it to because I cannot get it 
to work at the top MHz it is meant to work at (2200Mhz) - which it did 
on the other mobo, which, in fact, was an "el cheapo" Jetway 266B mobo 
(and which I mistakenly described earlier as a Giga-Byte mobo).

But I do take the point. I did drag out a new set of 80-wire cables to 
reconnect the HDs but didn't do so; and I did think of taking out the 
Antec 450W PSU from the computer I am now using and putting it into the 
computer where "it is all happening" (so to speak), and now I think that 
I shall have to do it to make sure that all the variables which could be 
causing the problem have been accounted for.

Pictures at 11. (Maybe.)


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                                           Chinese proverb

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