WTF?! NO floppy in Lucid or in Meerkat! - UPDATE

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sat Sep 25 05:40:10 UTC 2010

On 25/09/2010 13:05, Basil Chupin wrote:
>    On 24/09/10 16:48, Christopher Chan wrote:
>>> The first "fix" was to insert "floppy" as a new line in /etc/modules -
>>> which went down like a lead balloon in my case.
>> 'modprobe floppy'
>> That should load the floppy driver.
>>> Alright, now that I have vented my frustrations accumulated over the
>>> past 2 days, does anyone have a REAL clue to make anything-Ubuntu
>>> recognise a floppy drive and display the contents of the disc in it and
>>> even format the disc? (Having stated this, the suggestion in the
>>> bug-discussion is to keep running an earlier version of Ubuntu - I think
>>> it is Karmic but don't quote me.)
>> After that, insert floppy into drive. Then perhaps do:
>> 'sudo mkdir /mnt/floppy'
>> 'sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy'
>> 'ls /mnt/floppy'
>> To format the floppy with FAT, just do:
>> mkfs.msdos /dev/fdo
> Thanks, Christopher.
> This response being written on Maverick Meerkat (Beta #1) which was
> upgraded to latest "stuff" only 1/2 hour ago.
> What you suggest above works on Lucid 10.04.1 - but I have to admit that
> I don't know if it is the above which is doing it or the fact that I
> downgraded to udisks1.0.1build1 late last night. In other words, the
> 'test bed' has been 'contaminated' and the playing field has been changed.

Alright, the fact that I *DID* downgrade to udisks-1.0.1build1 has 
*EVERYTHING* to do with using the above command to mount a floppy.

As Rashkae correctly pointed out in another post, one other suggestion 
to get the floppy going was to remove the entry for it in fstab.

Removing the entry in fstab if you have the default udisks installed by 
Ubuntu (udisks-1.0.1-ubuntu1) will do *ZILCH*. The mount command 
mentioned above by Christopher will not work.

I have Lucid 10.04.1 installed on a flash drive and I booted it up on my 
"main" the computer (which now contains the new mobo and which I am 
trying to get to work proppa (but that's in another thread and which I 
haven't 'updated' for some days now)).

This copy of Lucid on the flash has the original, default, 
udisks*-ubuntu1 and not the build1 which NoOp suggested.

No matter what you try and do - inserting "floppy" in /etc/modules or 
rem-ing out the entry for the floppy in fstab - nothing will get the 
floppy mounted or its contents accessed until you take the retro step 
and install the earlier version of udisks (also see NoOp's response to 
me re this and how to install this on Maverick).


I didn't know it was impossible when I did it.

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