Just about driven to pull my hair out with Firefox

ms devicerandom at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 13:07:07 UTC 2010

On 21/09/10 03:28, Anthony Papillion wrote:
>> Then why didn't to you come back and report that in the original thread:
>> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/220005
> Probably because I assumed nobody would read a 4 month old thread in which I
> had already said the problem was solved (though it remanifested). My
> apologies for the oversight and wasting the lists time with a double post.
>> Have you tested with other browsers (yes there are others) to see if the
>> problem exists in those as well?
> Yes, I am aware that there are other browsers and I've tried a few others
> with the same result (which I said in my previous reply in this thread).
> That's why I'd finally accepted it as an IPv6 issue since it was present in
> multiple browsers and not just in Firefox.
>> Posting "Firefox simply stalling on random websites" does nothing.
>> Unless you can point someone to a URL that fails, provide details of
>> your FF extensions, tell us what launchpad bugs you've checked and
>> suspect, etc., etc., you'll be better off here:
>> http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/
>> http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Other+Firefox+support
> Well, the problem is that Firefox was stalling on *random* sites at *random*
> times so providing a URL to a site would be kind of pointless. For example,
> it stalled on Facebook a few times, then loaded it fine. It stalled on GMail
> a few times with intermittent successes between the fails. It stalled on
> Slashdot. As I think I said in my post last night, there wasn't any rhyme or
> reason to the stalls and they were completely random.
> As to checking out Launchpad, I did and I also spent quite a bit of time
> with all of our best friend Google. Everything points to 'it's an IPv6
> problem' and I took it as such. But implementing the widely recommended fix
> didn't actually fix it and I reached a dead end so I came here.  I didn't go
> to the Mozilla support center which was my mistake.  Again, my apologies for
> offending the list.
> Thank you all for your time. It's appreciated.  Now. I'll go do more
> research and hopefully find a solution. If not, well, that could mean the
> end of Ubuntu for me since NO browser seems to work. Shame too as I really
> love the OS.

Most obvious thing: Do other operating systems work well? Seems to me an 
issue with your network, more than with the OS.

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