thanks fedora

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sun Sep 26 10:15:19 UTC 2010

Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 11:51:21PM +0200, Nils Kassube wrote:
> > Robert Holtzman wrote:
> > > On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 07:39:24PM +0530, Tanmoy Chatterjee wrote:
> > > > Thanks for your enlightening remarks - .exe => windows
> > > > executable - now I know, but I don't get my answer of why the
> > > > PD keeps displaying light even after the selection of unmount
> > > > option in Ubuntu 9.04.
> > > 
> > > How do you know it's still mounted?
> > 
> > Please read again the question you quoted. It was not suggested
> > that something was still mounted but the question was why the
> > light is still on. That are two totally different things.
> Check out his posts starting Sep 22. He was talking about the
> light saying on after clicking Unmount in Places -> Computer
> and /home??!!?? I wanted him to verify that the drive was unmounted.

OK, I reread the entire thread. I'm not sure, but I think the use of 
/home as a description as a mount point was more a mix-up. And I'm also 
not so sure if he really thought the device was still mounted, it was 
more a concern of something not working right / as expected, i.e. like 
it used to be with Fedora or Windows.

> > > Do you even know how to find out?
> > 
> > Who cares? That was not the question.
> *I* would care. Don't know about you but if I ran into that problem I
> would want to see if the drive was mounted. If it wasn't it *might*
> occur to me that it was only a  power indicator, Meet with your
> approval?

Maybe there are pen drives with differing bahaviour regarding the light. 
Mine has the light on while the USB port is powered and it is blinking 
during read / write operations. I think the ones I had previously 
behaved the same. That seems to be different to the pen drives you know, 
according to what you wrote in a previous mail.

> > > To sum up, it looks like you have a lot of homework to do.
> > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > 
> > Can you elaborate? What type of homework do you suggest? Instead of
> > answering RTFM, please at least point to TFM.
> I didn't tell him to RTFM because I doubt there is an FM that covers
> this but he could have run a search on the problem and checked out
> the manufacturer's web site for any support. You know this better
> than I. I saw no indication of any research thus the homework
> comment.

To me that comment looked like RTFM, only disguised with other words. 
Granted, there was no indication of any research from the OP in his 
previous mails. OTOH, I wouldn't expect to find the info on the 
manufacturer's web site. I just tried that for my pen drive but as usual 
there was only some information for Windows and Mac users.

> > You seem to know
> > everything about the subject
> I never said that nor did I imply it.

True, you didn't write it but your homework comment seemed to imply it. 
Probably I read too much between the lines, so I take that back.


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