WTF?! NO floppy in Lucid or in Meerkat!

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sat Sep 25 03:14:55 UTC 2010

  On 25/09/10 00:21, Rashkae wrote:
> Basil Chupin wrote:
> Allright, what I gather from that thread is that the Gnome/Freedesktop
> gui automount thing isn't working with floppy devices anymore.  The
> kernel and udev still recognizes the floppy, (so no need to manually
> insert floppy  modules.)  We just have to kick it back old school a bit.
> Someone already started the first steps, to test:
> sudo mkdir /mnt/floppy
> sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy -t vfat
> At this point, you should be be able to read the contents of your floppy
> drive in the /mnt/floppy directory.  Don't forget, before removing the disk:
> sudo umount /mnt/flopyy

Thanks, Rashkae but I've been there done that for some 2 days now.

> Assuming that works, and you want something a little more permanent, you
> have to edit your /etc/fstab file.  It's not a bad idea to make a backup
> copy of this file first, and test that you are able to boot from a live
> cd (in case a mistake is made and you need such a drastic measure to
> correct it)
> sudo gedit /etc/fstab
> Then append this line to the bottom of the file
> /dev/fd0   /mnt/floppy  auto  rw,users,noauto  0  0

There is no need to edit fstab.

fstab in Lucid, and Maverick, already contains this line to mount 
/dev/fd0 (but it is to be mounted in /media and not /mnt).

Having that line already there means that on installation the floppy is 
recognised by the installer and the fstab entry is created - yes, no?

Now, seeing it there would seem that there must be something wrong with 
my floppy(ies) which is why I busted my nuts trying to figure out the 

But no, the installation recognises it but the OS won't let you use it.

See my response to Christopher. I now have the floppy working under 
Lucid 10.04.1 but not under Maverick.


I didn't know it was impossible when I did it.

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