Install failed - solved, and got ext3

rikona rikona at
Wed Sep 22 04:58:20 UTC 2010

Hello Christopher,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 7:26:51 PM, Christopher wrote:

>> CRW>  and I do believe you need a /boot partition.
>> Isn't /boot normally set up under /? I did have a / partition in the
>> pre-format , so couldn't /boot could be set up under that?

CC> You don't need a /boot partition in your case.

>> CRW>  Or forget the EXT3 and just go for the LVM which is, I believe,
>> CRW>  the default these days.
>> Install docs seem to say ext4 is the default, which I verified. Also,
>> how would I mount an LVM partition using Mandriva 2008, which does not
>> even know about ext4? May not have the compatibility I need.

CC> You should have no problems loading a LVM logical volume in Mandriva 
CC> 2008 as it will come with lvm support already.

>> Also, a quick Google gave me a separate procedure needed for
>> installing LVM in Ububtu. And, a note that LVM *does* require a
>> separate non-LVM /boot partition.

CC> Nope. Not necessary anymore with Lucid which comes with grub2. However,
CC> you must tell it to include the lvm module which I assume the Ubuntu 
CC> installer will do. A separate non-LVM /boot partition is needed when you
CC> use grub as your boot loader.

Ahhh... I see... I guess I thought LVM was newer than it actually is.
I won't worry next time, but ext3 seems to be working OK, so I'll
keep that until 'next time'. :-)

Thanks much for the help! 



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