thanks fedora

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Tue Sep 21 00:56:56 UTC 2010

Ric Moore wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 15:37 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 12:40:48PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 20:09 +0530, Tanmoy Chatterjee wrote:
>>>> This August I have installed Fdora 13 and really likes it with its
>>>> various security tools and the command line software install package -
>>>> YUM and one of its plug-ins PRESTO( which reduced the size of
>>>> downloadable software considerably). I am still exploring Fedora
>>>> 13(More true Linux than Ubuntu???) and I'm lovin it.
>>>> Fedora13 rocks.
>>> I guess this is payback for all of the Ubuntu users who used to come
>>> into the Fedora list and exclaim how Ubuntu rocked and Fedora sucked. :)
>>> Ric
>> From what I've seen he's right about at least one thing. Fedora is more
>> like "true Linux" than Ubuntu. Ubuntu is getting to be more like Windows
>> with every release. I'll take a long look at Debian Squeeze when it is
>> released as stable. The beta live cd didn't look bad.
> If Fedora would ditch yum and use apt-get, they could become more
> serious contenders ...if you like bleeding edge. I had been a serious
> die-hard fanboi of RedHat for many years, but Fedora broke my heart just
> once too often. I got into it with them more than once over necessary
> stuff being broken over several releases before it was addressed. Ain't
> going back to the madness. Ubuntu is more solid, in my perceptions. For
> instance, I don't have to launch a google-quest session just to install
> Sun-Java. Ric

Huh? yum is multiarch capable and apt is, well, floundering on that 
score at the moment. Nevermind the fact that dpkg don't check support 
per file md5 checksums yet of which rpm does.

The server of two other schools were recently abused by some botnet 
kiddie and had they been Ubuntu servers, I daresay it would have been a 
real horror to verify what was compromised and was not. I just ran rpm 
-Va and voila! I know certain important binaries were not compromised.

Becoming an apt fanboi based on ancient obsolete reasons ain't good for you.

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