Lousy Lynx

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Mon Sep 20 09:20:38 UTC 2010

On Monday 20,September,2010 03:50 PM, Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote:
> He wrote a PhD dissertation "On Tuning and Optimization for Multiple
> Queries in Databases". I have not read it, but if he teaches computer
> *science*  and it's about databases, it could be that he takes a very
> scientific and mathematical approach. In that case he doesn't have to be
> an internet wizard per se.

Ah, we finally get it. I was wondering how long it would take.
I wrote...
> Cybe, relational databases, not operating systems. My doctor don't know

Kevin O'Gorman wrote
> Some folks have had a lot of fun at my expense.  Well done, but my wife
> beat you to it years ago when by repeatedly, in my most awkward moments,
> asking "did anyone actually SEE you go to Dartmouth?"

Looks like we are all not as wise as Kevin's wife, but then, she did 
marry him....hmmm    :)
And I am canceling my son's application to Dartmouth.,  :)
And where did you say you are teaching?   :)

Sorry, Kevin, one more time at your expense. All in good cheers.
Good luck with your presentation.

Regards and take care - Goh Lip

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
                           - - - William Shakespeare

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