Ric Moore
wayward4now at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 23:28:16 UTC 2010
On Fri, 2010-09-17 at 16:05 -0400, Doug wrote:
> On 9/17/2010 1:34 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
> >>>>>/snip/
> >>>
> >>> This, unfortunately, is not funny. My best man was killed in his house
> >>> by 115 VAC. He was standing barefoot on a heat-vent, and changing a
> >>> record or something on his hi-fi system. Apparently there was a hot
> >>> chassis in the hi-fi system. When he did not report for work at his
> >>> father's shop, the father went to the house and found him, far too late.
> >>> He left a wife and a little boy about two. RIP, Ron.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Most sorry to hear about Ron. Condolences to his wife and son. However,
> >> Hong Kong has long gone with three pin wiring. Why is it that you still
> >> have unearthed wiring nowadays!?
> >
> > Some people have zero tolerance for the juice. I'm sorry to hear your
> > friend was killed. As a kid I used to put paper-clips into wall sockets
> > just to feel the buzz. I've always had a very high tolerance for
> > electricity, yet I still respect it. I've got a bushel basket of
> > screwdrivers with the tips blown off, so I am well aware of it's power.
> > Why we limit our protection to ground-fault interrupter codes to
> > bathrooms is beyond me.
> I was told, when I asked the question, that the GFI would trip out all
> the time, if the whole house had it. I don't know why.
> >
> > But, in your friend's case, it almost sounds like the line cord or the
> > wall socket was wired backwards, to have gotten shocked by the chassis.
> > His family may wish to check and then sue the dickens out of whoever did
> > it. Ric
> I don't know if they sued. this was 40 some years ago.
No telling then. No one knew what a ground was for. Heck, we still had
party-lines for telephone service 40+ years ago. :) Ric
My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
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