Problem defining the Samba workgroup

Tom H tomh0665 at
Thu Sep 16 17:05:01 UTC 2010

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:57 PM,  <pkaplan1 at> wrote:
> From: Tom H <tomh0665 at>
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 5:47 AM,   wrote:
>> I'm running a Samba server on lucid.  I am attempting to define the
>> workgroup as KAPPA_NET, but the server insists on using WORKGROUP.
>> /etc/samba/smb.conf shows that
>> workgroup=KAPPA_NET
>> I've tried restarting both smbd and nmdb with
>> sudo service smbd restart
>> sudo service nmdb restart
>> ...and verified that both services stopped and restarted
>> Yet probing the LAN from either windows or lucid show that the server is
>> on
> I've used your smb.conf in a vbox install and there was no sign of the
> "workgroup" workgroup.
> Do you have "workgroup" in a dns or dhcp setting that is somehow being
> picked up as an smb workgroup?!

> Sort of what I'm trying to figure out...How can I tell?

NoOp suggested that you add a dumbledore.kappa_net" entry to /etc/hosts.

I tried doing so with ".workgroup" with your smb.conf but my workgroup
was still ".kappa_net".

I always thought that you had a weird setup because you can run
"smbclient..." but "pdbedit..." fails so it's unclear to me how your
user is authenticating and what your user is authenticating against.

Furthermore, you have at least three non-standard entries in your smb.conf
domain master = no
logon home = \\%25N\%25U
logon path = \\%25N\%25U\profile

These are usually without the "25" (which may be innocuous, I have no
idea what it to translates). I'm unsure whether they have an effect
since you have "; domain logons = yes" but you must have added them
for a reason.

You have
encrypt passwords = no
which will not work if you try to logon from a Win7 box - unless, I
assume, you mess around with the registry.

You have
restrict anonymous = no
which I think is incorrect because the rhs should be a number - AFAIK.

If "pdbedit..." was returning what it should, I would suggest using a
plain vanilla smb.conf, then trying it with just the workgroup changed

One final thought, can you add your user to samba with "smbpasswd
-a..." and then run "pdbedit..."?

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