Trouble connecting to VNC Server

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Sep 15 18:50:28 UTC 2010

On 09/15/2010 10:11 AM, Anthony Papillion wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> I'm needing to access my machine from Windows XP. I've installed
> vnc4server and done the necessary configurations to get GNOME up as a
> session manager and allow me to log in. On the Windows machine, I've
> installed TightVNC and everything looked fine.
> I tried to connect to my Ubuntu machine from Windows and I am told
> "Connection Established" but that's as far as it goes. Never prompts
> me for a password, never shows a login, nothing.
> Any idea what might be going wrong?

When you enabled the Remote Desktop option you enabled the vino server.
It's probably using your vnc ports (5900 & 5901) & conflicting with
vnc4server. They are both vnc server applications & default to the same

I think your options will be:

1. Remove vnc4server and just use vino (Remote Desktop) or vis a vis.
2. Configure vnc4server to use different ports (or vino to use different

These might be of help:

This post indicates that you might need to change the TightVNC encoding
to CoRRE with vnc4server:

Note: I use RealVNC or NoMachines NX for connecting from Windows to my
Gnome systems. RealVNC works w/o issue to vino. NX works extreemly well
but creates a separate desktop window unless you enable VNC mode & then
it slows down to VNC speeds/responses.

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