umask, ACL inheritance and setgid +s not working with copy from flash drive in nautilus

Rashkae ubuntu at
Tue Sep 14 18:52:55 UTC 2010

Andy Graybeal wrote:
> This is a repeat question, I'm going to rephrase it a little and maybe 
> I'll get a response this time around.
> I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, metacity and nautilus, and linux terminal server 
> (LTSP).
> My umask is set to 002 in my /etc/X11/Xsession.d.
> The filesystem has ACL's enabled.
> I have the folder set with setgid +s.
> The ACL's look like this:
> andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop/Tech$ getfacl .
> # file: .
> # owner: root
> # group: tech
> # flags: -s-
> user::rwx
> group::rwx
> other::r-x
> default:user::rwx
> default:group::rwx
> default:mask::rwx
> default:other::r-x
> andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop/Tech$
> Why when I copy a file from a jump/flash drive, does it not inherit the 
> ACL's properly?
> Here is an example of a file I copied from a jump drive:
> andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop/Tech$ ls -lah cabling.txt
> -rwx------+ 1 andy.graybeal tech 2.8K 2010-07-28 20:40 cabling.txt
> andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop/Tech$

Depends how you copy the file... in this case, it looks as though the 
copy tried to preserve the traditional Posix permissions and therefore 
ruined your mask.  Was this copy done by nautilus?  You need to copy 
files wihout preserving their original attributes (at least, 
permissions) if you want inheritance to work correctly.

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